Thursday, November 09, 2006

Fire In The House

The church fire alarm had been triggered by a loss of power when new construction was taking place across the street, not because of a real fire. When we walked in the building last week, the sound was recognizable but this time the hallways were filled with smoke. Not a pleasant scenario as you can only imagine. Thankfully the fire department arrived quickly, located the fire and put it out. We are very grateful. It could have been much worse. Something like this provides an opportunity to pause and consider questions like, what if my office went up in flames? Do I have off site backup copies of my most important computer files? Do I have an off site inventory list of personal office items (books, equipment etc.) for insurance purposes? And what about contingiency plans for all the ministries to function? Good questions! Even though our drama room was on the same floor as the fire, most of the wardrobe was in closed cabinets or Rubbermaid containers. We were fortunate that all we sustained was minor smoke damage to some of our costuming. This could have been really unfortunate so close to Christmas. For the church in general, most of the damage was localized and from smoke. Still, cleanup and repair will take between two and three months. It's easy to assume the tools for ministry will just be there for us. Most of the time they are. But when they're not, big time adjustments have to be made. It doesn't hurt to think about what you would do if something like this happened to your place of ministry. Maybe some preplanning could save you a big headache later. These things are never easy. We were fortunate.
God is good all the time. I think I'll get started on that inventory list.

Tim Covert

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Worship Volume

If you've ever asked for an opinion regarding Sunday morning corporate worship sound levels, you're familiar with the vast array of statements. Some think it's too loud when the sound isn't even on, while others find it's not loud enough at 100dB. Who decides? This can be tricky. We've come to the conclusion that everyone cannot be pleased. Still, creating an acceptable atmosphere of worship for as many as possible should be our goal. Rick Munchow is the Worship Pastor for Pastor Rick Warren at Saddleback Church. In his book titled, "The Worship Answer Book" he states, "the music is too loud when the volume distracts from worship". We often say the job of a worship musician is to play so skillfully the team can get out of the way. We're facilitators of worship not the focus of worship. God alone is the focus of our worship. Further, Munchow states, "the music is too loud when it is no longer musical." High volume levels, no matter how wonderful the musicianship, is distracting. And finally, the music is too loud when it causes hearing loss. Now all of these may be open to interpretation as well. However, we have attempted to standardize our sound. The purchase of a decibel meter (found at any local Radio Shack) is invaluable. For Saddleback Church, the maximum volume limit is 96 decibels. We run the bulk of our sound at 90dB, however our spikes will go up to 96dB I'm sure. Without a meter there is no way of knowing. Our readings are taken at the most focused point of our speakers. For us that's 3 or 4 rows back from the front. This will require some to sit further away from the speakers than others. Most people will be accommodating. Remember to account for bodies that soak up sound. When our sanctuary is empty, the same place of measurement will read a higher dB level because there are no bodies to soak up the sound. This makes a difference in our less attended early service.

God bless your efforts.
Tim Covert

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Friday, September 29, 2006

Bring Me A Harpist!

Thankfully we've come to a common understanding as Christians that worship is not simply singing familiar Christian lyrics to music so we can move on to the important stuff. Last Wednesday night, our Senior Pastor read a passage of scripture that jumped off the page as he told the story of Elisha in 2 Kings 3. Without consulting God, the kings of Judah, Israel and Edom decided to wage a preemptive strike on the hostile neighboring nation of Moab. When the plan goes bad for their armies they decide to find a prophet to help them. Elisha was sought out. Initially, he was of the opinion that they put themselves at risk so they should get themselves out. But for the sake of King Jehoshaphat, Elisha says.... "bring me a harpist." I'm sure that wasn't what the kings expected to hear. They no doubt were looking for some slick military strategy or outright miracle. But Elisha said, bring me a harpist. Who knows how long that took! Where is a good harpist when you're looking for one? The scripture says, "While the harpist was playing, the hand of the Lord came upon Elisha." Elisha received a word from God for them. And it was a very good word indeed! So good in fact, they ended up winning the battle. Certainly the combination of worship, music and preaching is nothing new in scripture. When Elisha needed to focus on God's voice, he didn't call for a great philosopher to talk to him or a craftsman to build something. He called for a worship musician. When musicians stand before God in corporate worship, they should not underestimate their role. They are to come prepared and at their best. Because during times of corporate worship, God speaks to individuals. He may choose to give a much needed word to a pastor seeking direction for his / her church. This word may in turn effect your city, or even the nation. Jack Hayford writes, "Worship in spirit and truth involves the total human being - spirit, mind, emotions and body." And it is reflected in the total human being as well. The result of worship in spirit and in truth is intended to go beyond the individual. Who knows what effect this coming Sunday's corporate worship will have on your church and beyond?

God bless,

Tim Covert

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Thursday, August 03, 2006


Like someone has said, "the only constant in life is change". If you stay at any church long enough, change in instrumental worship personnel will eventually occur. As a worship leader it's great when a worship band has been together for a long time. Musicians become comfortable with one another. They communicate without even thinking about it. And yet, to think this will always be is unrealistic. Preplanning for an inevitable season of change is valueable on two levels. It allows young musicians an opportunity to develop as God leads them and seasoned musicians teach them. And eventually it will provide choices when there is an opening. God staffs His church very well. It's important to remember, none of us are indispensable. Those who invest in the young today will see results in the future as musicians excited about involving themselves in God's work are given a chance to become part of the team. Longevity has it's advantages. Certainly, prayer is key in this process. Worship bands were never intended to be exclusive groups. Sometimes our bench is deep. At other times it isn't. But, we've learned to be patient, thankful and use what we do have effectively. Hang in there. God will provide the right match.

Tim Covert

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Time for a Vacation?

The year is half over. Can you believe it? I'm currently getting my ducks in a row for vacation, scratching mosquito bites from last weekend, and listening to Christmas choir preview music of course. Yeah the planning never ends. I do like summer. I've wondered like you, "Did Jesus take a vacation?" Did he tell his disciples, "Okay Peter, why don't you take the second week in July, and John, you take the third"? All of us deal with an undeniable level of stress and need opportunity to let it drain. Sometimes it's more work organizing for vacation than it is to stay home. But I encourage you to get out of town anyway. Get away! At least a week. Do it, your brain will thank you later. And so will your family. Oh, and the volunteers you work with need time off too. Plan for their absence as much as you can. The ministry doesn't have to suffer if you plan enough in advance. I've learned that I'm replaceable. That's not a license to be slothful. I work hard and consider myself a valuable team player. But I also know, that if I died tomorrow, someone would quickly fill my place. I'm replaceable and so are you. But our health isn't. And our role as either father or mother, grandfather or grandmother isn't replaceable. Stress has a way of fighting our efficiency and our physical bodies. Plan your work well and likewise plan your rest well. You deserve it. Even Jesus took time to get away. Stay with us a little longer.

God bless,

Tim Covert

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Music Ministry

Last week I had an opportunity to speak with a wonderful group of individuals. Each person will eventually receive ministerial credentials. And most of them will have the honor of leading God's people in music ministry. We began with the minister's personal relationship with God and continued covering specifics about music practicalities. Their curiosity was very familiar. I remember giving my life to God's service standing on that same precipice wondering, "What will ministry be like?" and, "Am I up to this challenge"? My first official position was in youth ministry. Soon after I was hired I was given advice by my Senior Pastor during a staff meeting that has stood the test of time. He stressed, any associate pastor is a minister (servant of the people) first and specialist second. Only after stepping into ministry does the reality of the statement hit home. Another way of saying this is, music is a seperate issue from ministry. Education is a separate issue from ministry and right on down the list. Before you scream sacrilege, understand what I'm saying. As far as music is concerned, modulations, key signatures and song selections are incredibly important. But there is also a long list of ministry issues concerning organization, how the congregation will be treated, etc. that cannot be ignored. Guided by the Senior Pastor's philosophy of ministry, music is married with ministry to support worship in the local church. Education is married with ministry to build the saints, and so on. Understanding music with little concern for true ministry is an invitation to disaster. And likewise, so is ministry that has little concern for music as it relates to worship. The Senior Pastor's philosophy of ministry is an incredibly valuable and necessary guide in the process of joining these two elements into something that facilitates worship in the local church. A Minister of Music is first a minister (servant) and then a specialist. And those truly called of God will work on understanding both.
May God bless your understanding and your efforts.

Tim Covert

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Our Highest Calling

Most associate pastors have portfolios that include their main responsibility and various additional tasks, I am no different. Office hours are valuable and necessary. It is no secret they're used to organize and create a conducive environment for others to succeed in ministry leading us to our greatest joy, being with people. Ultimately, the calling of music minister is intended to be an influence on more than one level. Your input must go beyond back ground vocals, the sound of the drums or driving modulations. Creating a worship band that can flow and connect with a congregation is a necessary function in any church. It is not however the only function as Lin Sexton, the Director of Worship Arts at a church in Modesto, California writes in a recent article. Her specialty is drama, but her comments could just as well translate to worship teams or special singers. She comments, "At times, I've been tempted to give roles to performers with great talent, yet who I know struggle with spiritual immaturity, pride, wrong motives or jealousy. It's my duty to watch their responses when they are not put in the game. Then, it's my job to shepherd these sheep in a way that offers them a clear path to maturity, lovingly helping them identify and evict the idols of performance and pride they may have never recognized, but that can be seen through the spiritual eyes of believers. It can be done." The goal of empowering people is a humbling endeavor. This is not easy for anyone. Caring for people is an act of self sacrifice. Unpopular decisions will be made and possibly misunderstood. That's why the dimension of relationship is invaluable. This is something Jesus requires for everyones benefit. Lin Sexton continues, "It's my responsibility to disciple artists through the very act of creating art. And there is no better place to do that than within a biblical community." Amen

Tim Covert

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Friday, April 28, 2006


I am continually humbled as I witness leadership on a level above where I am currently operating. Like it or not, there is always a level above. Maybe there's something to be said about the ability to recognize this. Good leadership demands of the leader the ability to see yourself honestly, accurately and clearly. Recently I went fishing on one of Michigan's pristine rivers. April is a great month for steelhead fishing and this became my focus with my very good friend Mark. We did something a little different this spring. We hired... a guide. Since we already know how to catch these fish, our objective for the day was not to catch great numbers, but to learn how to more effectively catch fish. And we learned some valuable lessons. So it is in leadership and ministry. There's an art to effectively encouraging and leading God's people. It is learned over time and requires power of observation and the utmost patience with yourself and others. There is much to learn from valuable guides. As a music pastor the position of facilitating someone elses vision has always intrigued me. For those with the alpha male complex, always having to be out front, the man with the answer, you will expend alot of energy. Your life in ministry will become wearisome over time. Watch and learn. James tells us we must be "...quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry." James 1:19-20 Things happen more effectively when the load is distributed, Jethro taught us that in Exodus. His words ring in our ears when he said (with great concern for Moses), "Why are you trying to do all this alone ?..." If your response is "because I'm the only one with a good answer" look out! I have spent the last 10 years building a team simply for worship and drama. Wow have 10 years really slipped by? But as I look over the landscape, much has been accomplished glory to God! The valuable input of those I trust litters the landscape and has helped develop the place we stand in today. We have a long way to go as well. But in all of it, I carefully view my life in terms of God's word, His call, and wonderful examples I see around me. Keep your eyes open and lead on!

Tim Covert

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Resource Materials

Recently, I picked up a DVD I hadn't looked at in a while. It wasn't long after that, an intern came bouncing into my office wondering if I had anything he could use to help the youth worship band. Do I? I believe in empowering the next generation and helping them thrive in their giftings. Here's one way of making an investment in the future. If you haven't looked at you need to check it out. Paul Baloche does an incredible job of "showing" people the elements of a good worship set in the DVD "Leading Worship: Creating Flow". Additionally, another DVD "Music Styles" breaks down several styles part by part. The idea of every instrument in it's rightful place, and less is more can easily be understood through this demonstration. Certainly Paul Baloche has gained the respect of those involved in worship through his gift of song writing and relaxed confidence as a worship leader / guitarist. Now you may not be able to do all that Paul does, but his DVD's are worth taking a look. He all about teaching. If you're going to spend money on an instructional DVD, you should consider starting there.

Tim Covert

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter Musical

For our Easter musical we used Brentwood-Benson's "The Christ, The King, The Risen Savior". This year Brentwood-Benson provided a CD format option that we were able to take advantage of. Since our church does not use an orchestra but a praise band, we were able to use their Orchestration Minus Rhythm Click-Track CD. For us, we had the best of both worlds - live music with orchestration. This worked out extremely well with our Aviom monitor system. We simply placed the click track on the Aviom so the worship band member could control it's level in comparision to the rest of the orchestration and other players. Wow! what a great sound.... and most importantly, effective ministry. Worship band players thrived and everyone was excited to have them on board for this year's musical. Several mentioned they would do it again if given the chance.

I hope things worked out well for your Easter services. God is good!

- Tim Covert

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Here's a great reminder from Tommy Walker.

-Tim Covert

Friday, March 24, 2006

The Real Deal

I watched "The Passion of The Christ" after coming home from a Wednesday night service recently. Just me and the DVD. It's impossible to watch that film and remain unmoved. I was once again overwhelmed with the incredible suffering our Lord withstood during His brutal scourging. "Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrow that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God's path to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all." Isaiah 53:4-6 NLT. As I visited the hospitals today I saw both ends of the human life cycle. A child in infant ICU, born 1 pound 3 ounces at 24 weeks, fighting to grow. And a precious saint of the church battling cancer. In both cases, hope is an undeniable key. Both families trust in the Lord. They trust in His promises. They believe that Jesus suffered in their place for a reason. Why then is there still suffering on the earth? The answer lies in what Christ did for us. Jesus took the penalty for sin upon Himself. But we must still live under God's conditions placed upon this earth resulting from our fallen world. Death is a slippery variable in this life. It is inevitable. But God has promised He will heal. We don't understand it's timing and surely have not completely come to grips with how God chooses to heal. But one thing is certain, He does heal. And hope is intended to be a remaining constant (our mind set) when we place our trust in Him. I saw that hope today. If I could bottle what I've seen just in these two cases and give it away - I would. Like most churches we're preparing for Easter. Two performances of an Easter musical is our music department's attempt to reach our community with this hope. To give it away. This Easter, may God's very special promises become reality to as many as hear the message you declare. And our prayer is that every church would articulate the purpose of Jesus' incredible sacrifice clearly, with wonderful results. God bless you in your preparation.
- Tim Covert

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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Easter 2006

No, it can't be. Easter is only 6 weeks away? For those of us in Michigan 6 weeks is the difference between sub zero temperatures and flowers cautiously peering from the soil. Likewise, over that same time frame, the climate of churches working on Easter musicals will change almost as dramtically (so to speak). You probably began special rehearsals in January, but in March things get cranked up several notches. We begin practicing with everyone (speaking parts, choir and musicians) once a week for the last month. This has really helped tighten up our performances. Slowly but surely we're getting everyone to rehearsals. We pretty much have it engrained in everyone's mind (and calendar) that the last week before performances will be busy - so schedule as little as possible. Volunteers are an amazing resource. Called committed volunteers are even better! This year we've added a hospitality position to our Music Department to help those committed volunteers have a pleasant experience. Her function is to take care of the needs of people at practices (providing finger food, water and be my eyes and ears) We also have a person in charge of child care for our extra non-church night practices. Mom's and Dad's are much more willing to be involved next time around if their children are taken care of properly. Try not to keep the kids too late for evening practices. I try to get the kids out no later than 8-8:30pm and the adults 10pm. Sound and lighting techs have the listening cd for the musical. Don't dupe off copies, buy them! Hang in there! Have fun! Minister to your volunteers. And most importantly, minister to your community.
-Tim Covert

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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Why Sing?

"Singing with the spirit of the New Testament sense is singing in concert with the Holy Spirit whose task is focusing on Christ. The deliberate purpose of Chrisitian singing is to exert all the dynamic of this powerful expression to glorify God. Surely the Church does not lack for spiritual, spirited music to sing; but all too often it lacks spirit motivated, spiritual singers to join in the song." From the book Worship - Rediscovering the Missing Jewel by Ronald Allen and Gordon Borror. My heart is not focused on being critical of God's Church. I'm called to the role of an enabler. I know, becoming aware and pursuing God's great benefits should be on the top of everyone's daily to do list. However, we all need coaxing in this pursuit from time to time. Having said that, there is also a wonderful dynamic when properly motivated individuals come together in congregational praise. Spiritually motivated congregations aware of God's powerful presence will see effectiveness in the kingdom of God. Congregational singing becomes a powerful weapon in pursuit of this effectiveness. Some choose to label the results of this pursuit as "overly emotional". But I think when our desire to be motivated in the awareness and pursuit of God's benefits becomes a reality, God's praise in the congregation will be the offspring. This praise will spill over into every part of our lives, including our emotions. And why shouldn't it? What results is a refreshing freedom as God's presence moves in.

-Tim Covert

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

God's Help

In the last few months God has been challenging me and the local church I attend. This is happening as the doctrine of the Holy Spirit has been the main focus of our pulpit ministry. Many in our local church are evangelical in background. Some have sought a symbiotic relationship with this important distinctive of the church. However, there is a sense of God's special presence in our services - as hungry people seek God's direction for their lives. And the fullness of the Spirit is something that has become increasingly desired by many, regardless of background. God is moving, there is no question of that. This blog is about music ministry. Regarding this move of God, I'm all about how He intended music ministry to operate within the local church. I maintain a constant awareness that there is the possibility of getting things backwards. In other words, to suggest that the church should somehow be directed by music ministry is not healthy in my opinion. We are to provide an atmosphere for people to seek. Through song we proclaim a message of deliverance and hope. For music ministry, there's a time to proclaim, and a time to support in the same service. Both must occur. It's obvious, in American church culture, it's easy to become distracted - or lose focus. We can't afford this in music ministry. We understand that when we're distracted, things start to fall apart in our lives, in our families, and in the church. God's special presence seems to move on. This shouldn't come as a surprise, but it does for many. Or worse, as R.T Kendall suggests, we don't even realize God has moved on without us. The good news however, is that the still small voice of the Holy Spirit continues to speak today. However, seekers can run up against a backlash. For those realizing they need to cultivate a relationship with Jesus, the feeling is almost like God is setting us up. The noise of life (unfortunately) an accepted drone, coupled with the din of our own thoughts, makes it almost impossible to hear God unless we choose to intentionally focus on Him and His Word. Those who turn things around in a positive direction toward God, are people who have experienced enough pain and dissatisfaction to seek His help. Until we do, we'll be empty. There's no other remedy. Kenneth Hagin writes in his book "Following God's Plan For Your Life" (Faith Library Publications) "...if you know on the inside of you by the inward witness what God wants you to do, don't wait around for God to give you more spectacular guidance. Obey the inward witness." As a worship musician / leader I want to facilitate this process as much as possible. It all begins with an awareness of my function.

-Tim Covert

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Test

"The test of observance of Christ's teachings is our consciousness of our failure to attain an ideal perfection. The degree to which we draw near this perfection cannot be seen; all we can see is the extent of our deviation."
-Leo Tolstoy

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Friday, February 03, 2006

Great Gain

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet. James Oppenheim (1882-1932) American poet. The Bible says, ..."godliness with contentment is great gain." 1Tim.6:6. Are you struggling with circumstances beyond your control? When was the last time you laughed? Sometimes we must force ourselves to forget about the mess to move into the realm of enjoying life. Yeah, I know. It's not that easy. But, I believe God rewards those who try. Contentment isn't just about acceptance. God's word talks about "great" gain. If He calls it great, then I certainly want it. There's a level of joy God wants to give His children. Joy that's unassociated with circumstances. Joy that He alone can bring. Sometimes it comes through others. Maybe today is the day. Trust God and give it a try!
- Tim Covert

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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Looking Out For Everyone

As a worship leader in the church, it doesn't take long to figure out what people expect. Eventually, notes will mysteriously appear with carefully worded suggestions - sometimes not so carefully worded. There's also the disinterested stare during corporate worship accompanied by a refusal to sing, that suggests someone is uncomfortable or unhappy. I've had to work hard at not making assumptions based on how people appear. When I have, often I've been wrong and then feel awkward that I let such thoughts run through my mind during our time of worship. Yes, worship pastors can be sidetracked like anyone else. Recently I read some constructive comments by another pastor named Nancy Beach. She made several simple suggestions with her apparently very non-musical husband in mind. I thought they were definitely worth repeating. Her suggestions are directed at worship leaders. 1) Please choose singable songs. 2) Must we repeat so much. 3) May I please sit down. 4) Stretch me with the lyrics. 5) Worship is more than singing. You can read more on these topics at
-Tim Covert

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Post-Event Communication

Certainly communication is one of those issues in ministry that is absolutely vital. Without it, we're sunk. Communication is crucial in the process of preparation and during any ministry focus. But I've found that post-event communication is just as important and has incredible potential. I don't think the Lord desires for us to live in a disconnected, unrelated event oriented manner. We learn through experience. And frankly, I want to learn as much as I can from every endeavor. I try not to move on too quickly once a certain focus is finished. I give our leadership team a chance to rest, and then we set up a time to talk about what just happened. I know things can be over analyzed, but it's very easy to congratulate those who have worked hard accomplishing ministry goals, then immediately move on to the next challenge. Discussion is good. And eye opening! I learn more about what just happened. And I learn more about me. I've found this discussion is absolutely necessary for future planning, helping us avoid pitfalls we just fell in. The beauty of taking time to talk about ministry is the perspective of other people. It's an amazing thing. But don't be so sure everyone is thinking the same thing. I want to hear what the leadership team is thinking. They actually tell me when I ask them! It's possible the meeting could turn into a gripe session. If so, are the concerns legitimate? Does it require me to work harder? Maybe. Maybe not. Am I willing? I try to have these meetings in a pleasant environment, where I can care about people. I have the meeting in my home, or someone else's on the team. Somewhere outside the church. Having the meeting in a Sunday School room a half hour before church starts on Sunday night, doesn't set the proper tone. And won't be effective. My willingness to listen and make adjustments tells the team, I care about them. I do care about the team. But I also have expectations. This meeting is a way of evaluating my/our expectations with the perception of the group. Over time the communication gets better. And that's healthy for everyone. Healthy leadership translates into more effective ministry.
- Tim Covert

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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Motivating Leadership

"The paradigm for leadership in the 21st century will not be the enabler, but visionary motivator... Visionary, motivating leadership will not try to take care of people but equip people to take care of themselves".
- Thomas G. Bandy (Enrichment - Winter 2006)

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Spirit of the Matter

I'm convinced (as the years flash by) that our worship is more about heart attitude than anything else. You say, "yeah, tell me something I don't already know. I'm moving on to the next blog". The fact remains, articulating this concept and putting it into practice are two seperate things. It takes God's call, experience, and examination of personal motives, before we can actually begin leading with a Christ-like attitude. This self examination must be on going if we want to effectively continue. The Holy Spirit knows our hearts all too well. He is never fooled. As R.T. Kendall so eloquently states in his book, Sensitivity To The Holy Spirit, we can go about the business of leading in personal and spiritual matters, even when (I'm paraphrasing) "the dove has simply removed Himself from our activity". There is nothing necessarily spiritual about "going through the motions" of any brand of true worship liturgy. But there should be. And God knows whether we have set ourselves up as the main focal point or if we have purposefully faded out of the spotlight so He can do what He wants to do, how He wants to do it. If this is not a concern, time will be the test of your worship leading effectiveness. I'm not talking about something spooky here. God simply wants to move in our services as He chooses. Not as we choose. There is absolutely nothing I can do to make Him move. But there is something I can do to create an atmosphere for Him to move in. And there are things I can do that cause Him to move on. What I am talking about is not related to musical style or personalities. This is not about the latest worship song or spiritual songs of previous generations. I'm talking about the heart. The heart has always been at issue. Oh, that the critical mass of the local church would desire to worship God in a way that shatters the influence of the enemy, and invites the presence of God to accomplish His will, in the individual as well as the corporate body. The worship leader plays an important role and must be in right relationship with God (and with the Senior Pastor), so music / drama / dance etc. will facilitate true worship. This takes nothing less than the empowerment of the Spirit of God. Ultimately; human will, musical skill, charisma, looks, administrative skill, influence, (all the things we like to think we have) take a back seat to God's will and His choice to reveal His presence. I need Him to help me. I want Him to have His way. And He promises He will, if I'll let Him. The ball is in my court. And yours. What will you do?
-Tim Covert

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Friday, January 13, 2006

Vision For Worship

As I sit in my office I see music everywhere. Song books stacked nearly to the ceiling. I have racks of CD's... there's even printed music and CD's piled on the floor, yet to be heard. I have a shelf full of magazines and books pertaining to worship, sound, and buildings, with opinions and information for effective worship ministry on every page. I have computer access to much more as well. And I've thought at times, maybe like you, "where are we going with all this"? Years ago, when I first started, I wanted everything I could get my hands on. I was interested in the new, the innovative, what I considered at the time, fresh. I think my motives were pure. But over time, I've noticed, conversations about the latest worship songs leave me feeling a little...empty. How about you? I need to say, I am constantly looking for new and dynamic worship songs, but I'm looking for other things as well. I read a quote by Bob Sorge recently that stated, "When we lose our vision for worship, we can become disillusioned or despairing." This comment in his book "Experiencing Worship" is a cause and effect statement we're familiar with. After you have led your thousandth plus worship set, musical mechanics should be dialed in fairly well. So after the stage has been set to effectively lead worship, is the congregation actually worshipping? As a music minister, is it possible we could sing about worshipping God, but be disllusioned and despairing? Is our vision for worship, waning? Thank God we know, it's a fresh relationship with Christ that fuels the flame of worship and not simply the latest worship style or song. There is always an element of pressing on - vision including new worship songs, new levels of commitment and proficiency. But that vision needs to include our pursuit of Him at the top of the ministerial job description list. Never should our pursuit of either be lacking. Only a relationship with Jesus moves us from mechanical to spiritual. And spiritual worship helps us and others keep on track. Thankfully that close connection with God brings a satifaction and more importantly, effectiveness, that arrives no other way.
- Tim Covert

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Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Christ, The King, The Risen Savior

For all of you who use a worship band each week and live orchestration is not available or applicable, I recently mentioned ordering our 2006 Easter musical that solves that glitch. We received the shipment from Benson Music Publication last week. This musical has the option of using a worship band (parts deleted from the original soundtrack) with what amounts to an orchestral soundtrack. CD rehearsal tracks are available for each worship band part and are very good. The rhythm charts are just that - chords and measures etc. It's a one chart fits all, with cue comments for individual players as necessary written in the chart. The soundtrack (orchestration minus the rhythm section / praise band - with a click track) will work great for our sound situation. We use headphones as monitors through an Aviom monitor system. So it's possible to adjust the level of the click in one ear compared to the orchestration in the other as well as adjusting the other worship band members. It may be a little more challenging to use with floor monitors and board sends, where the click could be heard in the mix. I like the format overall. We'll see how it works for our group. Everything is there for us. The band plays with loops regularly. So the unforgiving click shouldn't pose too much of a timing struggle. Practice makes perfect. Happy Easter planning!
-Tim Covert

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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Week of Prayer

Expectations in ministry have an ebb and flow. Traditionally, many ministries implement their sense of God's direction at the beginning of a new year. With new budgets and fresh resolve, focus and energy is poured into new frontiers... or those needing a boost. However; God reminds us, focusing on our own expectations is not primary. As Jesus said, "yet not as I will, but as Thou wilt." Matthew 26:39. It goes without saying, that God's will and our expectations will inevitably collide. And when our expectations are challenged by God...we can struggle. Many times the fresh idea is exactly God's will, but what He intends to do through the idea is partially or even completely different than our own expectation. Hannah Whitall Smith writes in her devotional book "God Is Enough", "We cannot follow the Lord fully so long as we are tied fast to anything else, any more than a boat can sail out into the boundless ocean so long as it is tied fast to the shore." We must not tie God's plan down to our personal expectations. Guard against drawing the conclusion for God. Obedience is what He desires. Staying open to God's leading is crucial. Certainly, He brings understanding to faithful leadership. Expect God's leading after setting sail with the idea. He'll guide toward the intended destination. During this week of prayer, may God's voice be heard, His wisdom gained in the implementation of plans, and His will ultimately accomplished in 2006.
- Tim Covert

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