Sunday, March 09, 2008

Your Assignment (If You Choose to Accept It)

District Council offers great insight and challenge that leads to personal and corporate evaluation of ministry. Those who have run the race well have my attention! This year was no exception. In the Thursday morning session Dr. Ed Stetzer spoke of God’s ministry assignments concerning various commissions given by our Lord. He offered revealing insight regarding our assignment. We’re all on assignment. I guess the question from his message begging to be asked was, who’s assignment are you on? We are called to reach people who are different than we are. Music ministry worship style and form will forever be critiqued because of the upfront role it plays. That shouldn’t bother us because every generation will and should have something to say about it. But one factor in every musical style and form that cannot be overlooked in corporate worship is the effective articulation of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and the empty tomb validating it’s effectiveness to wash sinners clean. If we fail in our lyrics to articulate why we worship the Lord, are we really facilitating worship? Is it possible to leave Christ out of a worship service featuring a worship style instead? When style is a distraction to the message then we need to adjust. Facilitating worship for people from different walks of life is challenging. Some cringe at the thought of singing to Teen Challenge members hymns with lyrics obviously from another era in our history (as we do). Is that a style distraction? Who talks like that anymore? But over time these same men learn what those words mean. And they come to appreciate “Grace, grace, God’s grace; grace that will pardon and cleanse within.” There’s room at both ends of the style spectrum for accommodation. Re-package, re-formulate, re-arrange if you need to. Ultimately it’s all about the message.
May God richly bless you on your ministry assignment.

God is good,
Tim Covert

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