As I write, it is the first day back to work following our Easter musical performances. The set has been struck and all the lighting returned to it’s normal positioning. The floor has been swept and the rented backdrops returned. The sanctuary is back to it’s original appearance. I’m thankful to all who assisted and of course we’re experiencing the huge “whew” reaction that follows. Our goal was accomplished—souls were saved, praise God. We do a Christmas and Easter musical each year. The corresponding story lines are very similar and each musical offers a message of hope and opportunity to accept Christ. Each event produces its own birthing pangs and naturally holds a very special place in the hearts of those involved. There is another dimension that captures my attention in all of this. I enjoy watching the reaction of first time participants. They step in, totally unaware of the work necessary leading to the first performance. Just as many are unaware of what it takes to make a Sunday morning church service function properly. Encouraging and directing them is a joy. Some come in with all kinds of ideas. They want to change the script or comment on doing this or that. Firm, fair and friendly seems to fit that scenario. In time they see, that the director has carefully orchestrated all elements of the musical and is very aware of what is happening and why. It all seems so effortless, until you try to do it. Well, I know I’m preaching to the choir. I am very thankful that God is the master director. His awareness of all things pertaining to you and me goes unchallenged. He knows it all as He carefully directs and orchestrates our lives. Our prayer is that we will direct others like He directs us. So, from someone who understands… thank you music ministers for your awareness of various details that make things run smoothly. Smiling when criticized. But very aware of the “why” that others are not. Thank you for pursuing your ministry goals in Michigan. Thanks for the countless hours you spend encouraging others and praying for those you are privileged to direct. Thanks for being the point person and setting a standard of excellence. Your influence will not be completely seen here on earth. I think this will be one of the joys of heaven—finding out who you really touched on earth. Sometimes the pace is a bit fast, but it all evens out. By the time you get this, I’m sure you will have already caught your breath. May God continue to do His best through you!
God is good,
Tim Covert
Tags: Christian Music, Devotional, Worship