Wednesday, December 28, 2005

A Heart For God

As a worship leader, ministry includes many non-negotiables. Jack Hayford writes of one in his book Worship His Majesty. He writes, "The deep cry of a leader's soul for both his own need and that of his people will never go unrewarded." We see this "deep cry" or soul searching in the Biblical record of Abraham, Moses, Peter, Paul and many others as they led God's people. It's a passion for the awareness of God's will and specific plan for effective ministry. And certainly God rewarded their efforts. Today, there are those who would prefer ministry from a distance, taking the easy way out (in my humble opinion), relying on personal abilities alone. But I've found, true effectiveness is the result of cracking the door of possibility, letting God push me beyond my perceived abilities... into the realm of faith and His abilities. For most worship pastors, our function will revolve around individuals or small groups within the local church. Although in the process of ministry it's easy (and sometimes desireable) to plug our ears and say, "too much information"!, there is nothing more rewarding than watching the humanly impossible come to pass through the power of specific prayer. I was hired to fulfill the function of worship leader, choir and drama director, but I'm expected to be an effective minister ultimately. Let our passion, soul searching and ministry function take us to this place of God directed effectiveness. During the upcoming week of prayer, as God hears the "deep cry of our soul" may He bless you with continued insight and strength for ministry in 2006.
- Tim Covert

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1 comment:

Matt said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and love it!
I'm an A/G music pastor in Maryville, TN.
Thanks for taking the time to contribute in this way.

Blessings in '06!

Matt Farrand
Cedar Point Community Church
Maryville, TN