Last year a dear elderly couple could be seen strolling into our church on Sunday mornings using high tech bright colored walkers, smiles on their faces and still in love. But declining health forced them both into a local nursing home. And as time passed, her beloved husband went on to his reward. She was alone without her groom for the first time in many, many years. I sat by the bedside of this dear saint. She recognized me and nodded when I asked if I could pray for her. Taking her hand, I prayed, but when I finished she didn't let go. I sat there for a substantial period of time, just holding her hand. The gift of touch is a powerful thing and I was very moved. This blessed me probably more than I blessed her. Words were not spoken, just one person holding the hand of another. One person in mid-life the other close to the end of her journey on earth. There is something powerful in that I can't explain. The truth is, touch is not always physical. We talk about the presence of God and an ability to touch people with music. I know this touch is just as real. They are both gone now. They worshiped God in our sanctuary as the sounds of modern instrumentation flowing from our sound system at 90dB. Always a smile on their face. Always the encouragers. They are in my heart and I'm certain if anything can be heard from earth by those who have gone on, it's our praise joining theirs.
Make sure music ministry touches people.
God is good,
Tim Covert
Tags: Christian Music, Devotional, Worship
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