Thursday, September 17, 2009

God Will See Us Through

I’ll begin this month by saying thank you to those who answered my call for help on behalf of various Senior Pastors around our state in need of a substitute worship leader. You were a blessing! Not that summer is over as I write, but it will be when you get this. Christmas planning has begun… even though I must confess I’m still enjoying every 70 degree day I can find. Summer lives on in my heart year around just like the ministry lifestyle my family has chosen. Sure, it’s great to get away from work and relax in the summer, but caring about people and serving in the local church has always been our passion. And when I’m not doing that I feel out of life’s loop. As you know, it’s not just work, it’s something much more. During this time of year local churches are recruiting workers for various areas with need. Yes, the nurseries still need people. That’s a permanent announcement in the bulletin or the pre-service scroll. It seems there are always ministry opportunities available! Thank God for those who link arms with us. One of my leaders introduced a young lady to me recently. She is a gifted teenager—sings, plays a variety of instruments. I spoke with her about her passion for music. She said, it’s who she is. I can relate! While she was talking my mind briefly drifted to the unexpected tweaking and refining I know the Lord has in store for her. It’s all good. All I could do was smile. I have to say the tweaking never ends for all of us. Welcome to the club. I wish every connection panned out for those who desire to be involved. Some find out what it takes and decide maybe that’s not their gifting after all. Ha! Others are here for school and in four years head back home or to a new job in a distant city. We send them off with joy. Others are here but get called away because of work. Life goes on for everyone. I’ve never had a desire to be an elementary school teacher, but I imagine the investment is similar. You have them briefly and then it’s time for the next bunch. Lynn and I have been privileged to invest in those who are in the ministry today. For some, it’s taken them to the other side of the world. And then, others have come from the other side of the world to us. It’s amazing how God works. One thing is certain, whenever I’m tempted to complain because the bench is empty and we’re in need of someone, I remind myself, “ministry is my calling and I chose to follow the Lord”. I said yes! And I would again. In feast or famine, many or few, God will see us through.

God is good,
Tim Covert
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Monday, August 17, 2009

Ministry Middle Ground

Given our current economic situation in Michigan many churches are feeling the pinch financially and in other ways as well. Key people have become unavailable to assist in volunteer roles. Pastoral stress is on the rise. It seems music ministry is constantly building something. Just when we hit a groove and everyone is on the same page, something changes and the process starts all over again. It is to be expected, really. That’s life, and it’s good - but there are challenges around every bend. Some thrive in the forecasting administration and planning. Not all enjoy it. I do it as a means to an end. Without it, chaos rules and I don’t like chaos. Talking with my Senior Pastor recently, we were casually discussing change over lunch, encouraging one another. We concluded, the reality of ministry often consists of a search for middle ground that all of us are either seeking (or forced) to deal with. For leaders who’s default mindset is to press the limits attempting to get everything possible out of the potential that’s available - what do you do when (in your mind) you feel a greater standard of excellence needs to be attained? For those who see the relationship end as the main goal—what do you do when you don’t or can’t stay connected? We remind ourselves that we’re facilitating God’s church. He is in charge. Thank God! As we challenge God’s people to step out in corporate service, they will find a place that’s right for them. They won’t follow very long if they are constantly uncomfortable. Getting people to the next level is what we are all about. Organization and awareness go a long way. Ultimately, I’ve found it difficult to change people’s comfort level unless I take a personal interest in assisting. Honestly, sometimes I do that well, other times I think I falter. It always means expectation flexibility and investment on my part. But I have come to believe in the role we play as pastors. And I’ve had to work on not beating myself up for a philosophy others aren’t always willing to share with me (whether it’s the technical end of music ministry or something relational). People are more important than the part they play in the grand scheme of things. And they need to know that. Maintaining ministry sanity is pretty important as well. What’s “really important” needs to be the foundation for every choice we make. Hey, love the people you have. Bless the ones who must go or even choose to go. God knows what He wants to do in the local church and through you. Praise God! Be encouraged Pastor and bless Him for what is happening.

God is good,
Tim Covert
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Encouraging Words

My mother and father in law regularly eat at a certain dining establishment. You should see the faces light up when they show up. There’s a scramble over who gets to wait on them. When was the last time you had a waiter act like serving you made their day? Why does this happen? One word…. encouragement. When I’m with them in that setting, they introduce me to each server with a short glowing bio. Whoever it is just beams. Here is this well dressed good looking grandparent age couple. And all these college students and young adults want to hang out and talk. Some of them have commented, “Richard and Connie are like my grandparents.” Why? It’s obvious their caring words are making a big difference. Proverbs 15:23 tells us “Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!” For me, this relates directly to worship team members. Each member has chosen to give up valuable time to be part of the team. I’m sure there are times when our worship team members wonder what I’m thinking. And… then there are other times when they are very clear about what I’m thinking. Being task oriented and dealing with a limited amount of rehearsal time, I generally get right to work and don’t spend a lot of time dealing with anything else but our preparations for Sunday. Encouragement does take place however, during phone conversations or various times before and after services, and other planned times. Encouragement is one of those very necessary and valuable ministries that often flies under the radar. How wonderful to speak the right thing at the right time. We need to be intentional with it’s use. There’s always a way to bring encouragement into someone’s life. King Saul was on an all out campaign to hunt down David and his men. Saul intended to exterminate David; however, God had other plans. In 1Samuel 23 Saul, with all the resources associated with his position, couldn’t find David. But Saul’s son Jonathan (David’s trusted friend) could. The bible says “Jonathan went to find David and encouraged him to stay strong in his faith in God. Don’t be afraid, Jonathan reassured him.” Most of us don’t encounter circumstances this difficult in our attempt to offer encouragement. And it’s interesting to notice, even though Jonathan couldn’t fix David’s difficulty, his words had a tremendous impact and were God ordained. Sometimes simply noticing and caring enough to speak the right thing at the right time brings a new sense of resolve into someone’s personal struggle. Thank God I have an opportunity to see that happen!

God is good,
Tim Covert
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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Thematic Awareness

Sitting in my office recently, a flash of light caught my eye and my computer speakers snapped. Immediately a huge clap of thunder rattled our entire church building. Lights went out, CPUs whined to a silence and computer screens went blank. Then came the unmistakable groans of disappointment from various offices. A transformer had been struck by lightning and took out one phase of our power. Some of our ministry aids were temporarily rendered useless—part of our sound system, air conditioning, bathroom lights and sewerage. We were forced to cancel Wednesday night service. The phones were out so we began spreading the news by cell phones. Our Senior Pastor used Facebook to tell as many as possible. However, to his amazement , some of his ministerial friends took advantage of the posting —concerned that First Assembly of God of Greater Lansing cancelled services because of…. you guessed it, lack of power? Many enjoyed the banter. I remember thinking, if only awareness for spiritual lack of power were so obvious. I wish we could hear a clap of thunder every time we were (in our leadership) ahead or lagging behind the Lord. One thing is certain. We’re very aware that running a good ministry race demands preparation and pacing. There are times when a patient steady course and energy conservation is exactly what the church needs. Then there are times when the Lord tells us to “Pick it up”. The Great Administrator brings awareness to every Senior Pastor. And as worship leaders we assist by bringing encouragement through worship as the church travels through those various stages of the journey. There’s a tool in the back of most hymnals that has worked for many years. In addition to the General Index, there is a Topical Index. By using this index you can see if your worship selections favor one part of the journey over others. Do you have a worship song with a theme of patience? Use an A/G hymnal, take the Topical Index headings and place your worship songs under one or more of the appropriate headings. These include: assurance, atonement, blood, Calvary, comfort, etc. If your repertoire falls under many different themes… great. If not, the next time you learn a new song, choose one that will fill in a thematic blank. Rarely do I create a worship list with only one theme. It isn’t expected. For me, the Topical Index is used mostly for altar music. However, the broader your theme selection, the greater chance worship will encourage more people and provide an opportunity to assist the church thematically as well if needed.

God is good,
Tim Covert
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Thursday, April 23, 2009


As I write, it is the first day back to work following our Easter musical performances. The set has been struck and all the lighting returned to it’s normal positioning. The floor has been swept and the rented backdrops returned. The sanctuary is back to it’s original appearance. I’m thankful to all who assisted and of course we’re experiencing the huge “whew” reaction that follows. Our goal was accomplished—souls were saved, praise God. We do a Christmas and Easter musical each year. The corresponding story lines are very similar and each musical offers a message of hope and opportunity to accept Christ. Each event produces its own birthing pangs and naturally holds a very special place in the hearts of those involved. There is another dimension that captures my attention in all of this. I enjoy watching the reaction of first time participants. They step in, totally unaware of the work necessary leading to the first performance. Just as many are unaware of what it takes to make a Sunday morning church service function properly. Encouraging and directing them is a joy. Some come in with all kinds of ideas. They want to change the script or comment on doing this or that. Firm, fair and friendly seems to fit that scenario. In time they see, that the director has carefully orchestrated all elements of the musical and is very aware of what is happening and why. It all seems so effortless, until you try to do it. Well, I know I’m preaching to the choir. I am very thankful that God is the master director. His awareness of all things pertaining to you and me goes unchallenged. He knows it all as He carefully directs and orchestrates our lives. Our prayer is that we will direct others like He directs us. So, from someone who understands… thank you music ministers for your awareness of various details that make things run smoothly. Smiling when criticized. But very aware of the “why” that others are not. Thank you for pursuing your ministry goals in Michigan. Thanks for the countless hours you spend encouraging others and praying for those you are privileged to direct. Thanks for being the point person and setting a standard of excellence. Your influence will not be completely seen here on earth. I think this will be one of the joys of heaven—finding out who you really touched on earth. Sometimes the pace is a bit fast, but it all evens out. By the time you get this, I’m sure you will have already caught your breath. May God continue to do His best through you!

God is good,
Tim Covert
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Monday, March 23, 2009

It's A Matter of Perspective

Some things in life cannot be adequately described with words. You know it’s true. There is an awareness that is intended by God to be gained first hand, not from a book or someone else’s testimony. I’ve seen this materialize in my closest relationships. Hearing “Poppa” and seeing tiny hands reaching up is an amazing spectacle that began a generation earlier and continues to touch my heart. What incredible influence exists now and in the future as this special relationship unfolds. On the other end of the time spectrum I remember walking across a street with another “Poppa Covert” (my father) a number of years ago. It wasn’t a particularly busy street, but it was busy enough. I was in my late 30’s and he was in his early 70’s. He did something I thought was funny at the time. He reached out to grab my hand (like I was a child) as we crossed the street together. I chuckled as I thought to myself, “It’s just his paternal instinct kicking in.” But later as I reflected, I thought maybe he was reaching out for his son’s assistance. At that time, it appeared my father was in good health and very active. However, the thought of my unawareness (if that were true) horrified me and forced me to view things differently. There’s those awareness moments again, some are pleasant and some are not. They take time to develop. Maybe your ministry awareness learning curve has been similar to mine. As a young church worker I think of the many “incredible” music ideas I had. They were profound of course and very necessary! Ha! This should be done, and that should be done. Can’t people see it? Thank God there is wisdom in patient counsel. Patient counsel given by men and women just like many of you, saved me from unwise or ill-timed brainstorms. And for those times I forged ahead anyway, thank God for every necessary failure that brought course direction and a more accurate understanding of how God moves and works within His church. Attempting to find the right voice of encouragement while not destroying the desire and energy of those actively pursing innovation is a great indicator of awareness. Ah, leadership. It looked so easy when Dad was at the wheel! So be patient if we lovingly and instinctively reach out our hand discussing music ministry do’s and don’ts. For those pursuing ministry, learn all you can learn from your experience. Transfer smoothly into a leadership role. And don’t forget—later, it just might be me needing assistance.

God is good,
Tim Covert
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Five Important Things

The congregation is lost in worship. There’s a special sensed connection with the Lord. Voices are raised with hands lifted as musicians skillfully play the final chorus when suddenly out of nowhere... I’m convinced the phrase “twinkling of an eye” not only describes the rapture but how quickly a congregation’s attention can be diverted from corporate worship. Microphone feedback or musical bobbles are concerning because they demand attention. There’s not a worship leader who hasn’t stumbled through a worship set following musical miscues. It’s not pleasant but often preventable. This month we’re talking about transparency and getting out of the way as a worship band. It’s a common theme for me. Andy Chamberlain (a well known instrumental instructor and cofounder of Musicademy) offers practical advise forecasting obvious pitfalls and potential mistakes. His advice, directed more toward the responsibilities of a worship leader, offers 5 important things to consider when arranging a song. I’ll give you his list and make comments. 1. If using a specific arrangement, know which version it is. Establish how the worship song is arranged and what chord progressions will be used. Sounds elementary but putting it on paper is the starting point. 2. Rehearse it more than you think you should. Intros, key changes and endings to even the most familiar songs can be momentarily forgotten. Refresh your memory by rehearsing. 3. Have some kind of chart template that musicians can make notes on. Not only does the chart establish the arrangement and chord progressions, it allows each musician to write personal notes that assist in remembering their individual parts and can be used every time the song is selected. 4. Learn to copy instrument parts from CDs. ITunes is a wonderful resource. Everyone can get their own copy of a song for .99 cents. Musicians can learn their part from the original. 5. Plan your songs with musical space in mind. Learning what not to play and where not to play is just as important as learning what to play at the right time. Cluttered and busy music will ultimately become the focus of a congregations attention in a less than desirable way. These five simple suggestions can help prevent musical meltdowns. And make for a more productive rehearsal when that time comes around again.

God is good,
Tim Covert
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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Push That Button

Last year those of us involved in Easter musicals were scrambling to finish performance preparations as Easter approached earlier than normal. Increased planning was necessary. Without it, frustration loomed on the horizon. Thank God for teamwork enabling the accomplishment of vision. Another important area of ministry where planning is necessary is sound reinforcement. What a blessing and challenge this area of ministry produces. Unfortunately, those involved are often noticed only when something goes wrong. So Pastor, take time to invest in those with control over your communication effectiveness. Make sure there is open and honest dialogue. But also, remember misunderstandings arise from a lack of knowledge. Help your sound techs to arrive at a destination of proficiency. Case in point. Probably every church worship team has endured the frustration of having a sound check before service only to step back onto the platform with a monitor mix nothing like what was there minutes ago! What’s up with that?! What’s even more frustrating is the dialogue that follows. No one seems to know what happened. Those involved in leadership are convinced it must be the SOUND MAN! Ha! Let’s go into the service. When God’s people come into the sanctuary, they naturally absorb sound. So each week when the sound man compensates with the faders, he / she could (unknowingly) be changing the mix in the monitor. How? you ask. You say, “I asked the tech what he / she did”, they said, “I did what I always do.” When asked, “did you change the monitor mix”? They will say “no” every time because they don’t know they’re changing the monitor mix with... the fader. There is a button on most boards that has the potential of being a true blessing and answer to this difficulty. But if overlooked the same button produces the scenario we just described. It’s the “pre” button usually located near the Send Section of each channel. This wonderful button when engaged properly allows faders to be moved without effecting the monitor send. And all those on the platform shout HALLELUJAH! So lets go back to our sound check 30 minutes before service starts. The pre-button is engaged. This means all sound going to the Sends (platform mix) are tapped off the board before the fader. So no matter what the sound man / woman does with the fader, the platform mix remains the same. Oh yeah. Check out your mixing board if the monitor mix changes for “no reason”. Eliminate potential frustration.

God is good,
Tim Covert
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