For those in ministry, the changing weather is the least of our concerns—unless you’re lost in a blinding blizzard on the way to the Michigan District Assemblies of God Conference on the Ministry. Readiness for changing weather within our ministries… now that’s something different. I like what the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 4:11-13 NLT; “…for I have learned to be content in whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.” All of us can look back at various challenges and recall how God provided strength and a sense of direction. Many different factors may seem to slow our progress but God gives strength for that. Results may not and generally are not immediate but eventual. Through it all I’m reminded of what God has already done, even through the ordinary. I hesitate to consider the number of worship songs we re-learned in rehearsal as new or budding musicians came on the scene. Or how many technical assistants we trained over the past five year time span. Over the past decade our music department memorized and performed twenty new musicals with an ebb and flow of choir attendance. Most importantly we remain focused on what God is doing. His blessing has inspired a course correction for people and families. Kids are growing up with a balanced understanding of Godly principles. Moms and dads feel better equipped to lead their families. Changes within ministry personnel are an ongoing challenge in all areas, but effective ministry still happens, praise God! Stepping into the uncertainty of year 2010 I remind myself of God’s goodness and faithfulness. I know music ministry efforts will be a valuable piece of the overall ministry puzzle.
God is good,
Tim Covert
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